Friday, June 8, 2012

What to Expect When You're Expecting

Movie:  What to Expect When You're Expecting
Major Actors:  Jennifer Lopez, Rodrigo Santoro, Chris Rock, Elizabeth Banks, Cameron Diaz, and many more.
Rating: PG-13
Best Audience: Even though it's PG-13, I would say mostly women and couples ages 16 and up would enjoy this movie the most, just because I think it would not be interesting to 13 year olds.

Okay, this is one of those movies where they pile a bunch of stars into one movie, that all have different story lines under the blanket of being in the same general subject matter.  Previous examples of this phenomenon are (my favorite movie) Love Actually, He's Just Not that Into You, Valentines Day, and New Year's Eve.  Now, let's digress for a moment.  I believe I have figured out the formula to why some of these movies work and some don't:

1.  What to Expect When You're Expecting (the movie I'm reviewing), Love Actually, and He's Just Not that Into You are good movies.
2.  Valentines Day and New Year's Eve are horribly bad movies.

I believe this is because with the movies I mentioned in #1, the stories occurred over a long period of time, so there was time for both character and plot development.  In the movies in #2, they both occurred in one day and had too many story lines happening in one day to have any development in characters or plot.  They were a mess.

Let me get back to my review.  What to Expect When You're Expecting is excellent.  It is heartwarming and hilarious.  I loved all the story-lines in it.  I feel like it really covers the different types of pregnancies and most of the possible things that could happen to you when you're expecting.  The actors do a great job and are both comedic and relatable.  I highly recommend it!

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