Movie: Total Recall
Major Actors: Colin Farrell, Jessical Biel, Kate Beckinsale
Rating: PG-13
Audience: Most audiences would enjoy this, even older children.
If you like a lot of action in a movie, you'll like this remake of Total Recall. I'm not much of an action person, but I still enjoyed it, especially the first 30 minutes, which was largely exposition of this futuristic distopia. Beyond the first 30 minutes, the rest of the movie is almost exclusively chase-scenes and fight scenes.
This movie has everything...for women, it has Colin Farrel; for the men it has Jessica Biel. You do not have to see the original Total Recall (with Arnold Schwarzenegger made in 1990) to see this one, but if you have seen it, there are some references to it. Overall, I think this movie is entertaining and alright, but not great.
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