Thursday, July 11, 2013

Star Trek: Into Darkness

Movie:  Star Trek:  Into Darkness
Major Actors: Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, Benedict Cumberbatch
Rating: PG 13
Best Audience: Older children, teenagers, adults

I will preface this review by saying this:  I am not a Star Trek fan.  My brother and father are, but I am not.  However, I was a huge fan of the 2009 Star Trek (this film's predecessor).  I am a big fan of most things JJ Abrams does.  He directed the 2009 film as well as this one.

As the "Dark Knight" is to "Batman Begins," so is "Star Trek: Into Darkness" to "Star Trek."  That is to say...this movie owns.  Everything about it was excellent.  It was unpredictable, well written, action-packed, and character driven.  Benedict Cumberbatch was a superb villain.  In my opinion, Cumberbatch made this movie.

You do not have to be a fan of Star Trek to enjoy "Star Trek:  Into Darkness."

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