Friday, July 12, 2013

World War Z

Movie:  World War Z
Major Actors: Brad Pitt, Mireille Enos, Matthew Fox
Rating: PG 13
Best Audience: Older children, teenagers, adults


I liked a lot about World War Z.  As a zombie movie, I appreciated some originality.  At times, the zombies acted more like insects than drones or rabid animals, so that was different.  I also liked how they solved the zombie problem.  I won't give it away, but it is a solution that has not been used in any other zombie films.  I loved how they actually used the word "zombie."  Many zombie films shy away from using that word. 

I thought much of the film was unrealistic.  Here I will spoil a few minor things (that won't spoil the movie for you if you haven't seen it).  Israel built a huge wall around the city and were completely sealed off from any zombies at all.  The reason they built the wall was discussed, but I did not think it was a valid/realistic/plausible reason.  Also, Brad Pitt survives a horrendous plane crash.  That was not realistic at all.  I know it's a fictional movie, but even within the zombie-movie world, you have to make the major plot points believable!

We won't even talk about the fact that the movie is absolutely NOTHING like the book.  At. All.

I did not like the movie's pace.  Usually films are slow at the beginning and fast-paced at the end.  This film was the total opposite.  It started out going super fast up front and the last 30 minutes of the film were very slow.  That was unusual. 

The worst thing about this movie is that it was not very character driven.  The movie does not give you a reason to form a connection with any of the characters (not even the main character).  To me, that is the most basic element a good movie needs and that element was simply not there.

If you go see this movie, you will be very entertained if you are not picky about its flaws.  If you are a picky movie-goer, you will not enjoy this.  If you go to movies for action, explosions, and guts, you will like this.

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